What's New At Disney's Hollywood Studios | Walt Disney Presents, Construction Updates & More!

136,945 Views · Posted 7 years ago
In today's vlog we head to Walt Disney World's Hollywood Studios to see what's new since our last trip. We wanted to see if there were any changes since Hurricane Irma came through the area. We didn't see much damage, just a few trees down and things like that. We also wanted to see Walt Disney Presents which is what took the place of One Man's Dream. We were able to take a closer look at the Star Wars Land model and the Toy Story Land model. We can't wait to see both new areas of the park once they're complete! Then before we head out of the park we took another updated look at the Star Wars Land construction status in the park. What are you most excited for? Let us know in the comments down below! Thank you for watching and we'll see you tomorrow with a new vid!

Our last Hollywood Studios vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTKLAGQ9vjA

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Hello, I am TheTimTracker. Welcome to my crazy beard and mustache driven life! Come with me as we adventure around Orlando, Florida and explore all of the amazing places that have made Orlando a top tourist destination, and a few that no one knows about! Make sure you say hello and hit the subscribe button, because we are always doing something new. Whether it's home science experiments for kids, roller coaster POV ride alongs or Theme Park Events; you will be sure to have a blast hanging out with us! We always have fun filming new things for you guys and showing you things to do in Orlando, Florida!
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