What's New At Disney This Week | Tim Documents The Destruction At Disney's Hollywood Studios

85,669 Views · Posted 8 years ago
In today's vlog I head over to Disney's Hollywood Studios to see what's going on with the destruction of Streets of America and the construction updates for Toy Story Land and Star Wars Land. I also found of the best vantage point for the Star Wars Stage Show (if you want to see the Star Wars characters before they go on stage) it's from behind the stage but you get to see some cool stuff back there! We headed into Muppet's Courtyard, where you can also get a great vantage point of what's left of Streets of America from the second floor balcony of Pizza Rizzo.Then I ended the night with a ride on the Tower of Terror! I'm sad to see some things go but I'm also very excited to see what's to come for Hollywood Studios! Thanks for watching and we'll see you tomorrow with a new vid!

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