Walt Disney World + Disneyland + NBA Discussion | 05/26/20

29,894 Views · Posted 4 years ago
In this episode, it appears that Disneyland could be moving forward towards welcoming back guests to the resort, Walt Disney World is getting closer to reopening after the reopening of Disney Springs last week, plus so much more!

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Thank you in advance for recommending that we should use Zoom instead of Skype. Currently, the software we are using to produce our streams only allows us to use Skype, which is why we are using Skype. We understand that Zoom can usually provide more stable quality. Thank you for understanding.

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Early June Reservations at Disney World & Disneyland Are Being Cancelled:

NBA Confirms That They are in Talks to Finish Basketball Season at Walt Disney World:

California Governor Moves State into ‘Full Phase 2’ Reopening for Orange County:

Recent Disneyland Resort Website Update Addresses Limited Availability and Closures When Parks Reopen:
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