Star Tours: The Last Jedi 3D, Disneyland Park, Disneyland Resort

9,623 Views · Posted 7 years ago
Join the Resistance and blast off on a Starspeeder 1000 deep into the Star Wars galaxy! Inspired by the latest "Star Wars" film, "Star Wars: The Last Jedi," Star Tours - The Adventure Continues at Disneyland Park has a new adventure. (0:11)

You'll join C-3PO on the Starspeeder 1000. (0:54) Then, with your 3D glasses, you'll depart for a cosmic adventure. First Order forces interrupt the adventure with an interception. (1:42)

As you make your escape, you'll find yourself on foreign planets like Jakku and Crait! You'll also receive help from "Star Wars" characters such as Finn (2:14) Poe Dameron (4:37)!

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