Mirabel Now Meeting Guests in Magic Kingdom! #shorts #disneyworld

7,509 Views · Posted 1 year ago
We’re part of the family Madrigal! 🕯️

Hello Mirabel! 👋 We were so excited to give a wave to Mirabel in Magic Kingdom today! Both her and her uncle Bruno have officially made their way to Disney World! You can meet Mirabel in Fantasyland, and see Bruno in the Adventure Friends Cavalcade.

Are you excited to see these characters on your next WDW trip?!

#encanto #mirabel #bruno #wedonttalkaboutbruno #familymadrigal #disneyworld #waltdisneyworld #wdw #disneyparks #magickingdom #disneycharacters #disneygram #instadisney #disneyig #disneyiger #disneyigers #disneyday #disneyvaca #disneyplanner #disneyplanning #disneyinsta
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Undercover Tourist


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