Lamplight Lounge and VIP Room Walkthrough, Disney California Adventure

421 Views · Posted 6 years ago
Pixar lovers unite at the incredible Lamplight Lounge, located just inside of Pixar Pier at Disney California Adventure! This delectable Disneyland restaurant not only has delicious food but is covered in Pixar memorabilia from head to toe!

The second you walk in, you will be greeted by Pixar treasures perfectly placed all over the room, not to mention the beautiful panoramic view of Paradise Bay (0:34). Booth tables are decorated with toy cars from the movie Cars and balls from Toy Story (1:28), and the walk to the restrooms is painted with some of the best quotes from various Pixar movies (2:42)! Don't forget to check out the super-secret VIP room (3:34)!

Ready to try some more delicious food at Pixar Pier? Check out our guide to eating your way through Pixar Pier!

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