Joey Bergren returns to join James, Chelsea and Dave for 1993's Hocus Pocus, our very first live-action movie!
Why is everyone in this town so obsessed with Halloween? How many people are gonna be Glowstick Guy this year? And just what is Garry Marshall doing in this movie anyway?
The "Drunk Disney" series follows Practical Folks on their quest to watch every Disney Animated Film with a drinking game, and the lessons they learn along the way. Subscribe to us so you can catch every episode:
Things We Drank To on this episode of Drunk Disney:
1) Walt
2) Bette Midler
3) Sharts
4) Tye-dye
5) Yabos
6) SJP
7) Dentistry
8) Dead cats
9) Garry Marshall
10) View from the top
11) SJ's Ps