Expedition Everest Time-Lapse POV Ride at Disney's Animal Kingdom

2,624 Views · Posted 8 years ago
Take a quick time-lapse POV ride on Expedition Everest roller coaster at Disney's Animal Kingdom.
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Expedition Everest ride-through: https://youtu.be/-6dfz8o2uTc
Tiny Planet: Expedition Everest: https://youtu.be/hPYCD6b0SXY

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Board a weather-beaten train and ascend a series of rolling hills overlooking a serene green forest. Climb a steep incline and navigate through a ceremonial stone tunnel before reaching the summit. Once at the “top of the world,” hold on tight as you pick up speed and race inside the dreaded mountain. Without warning, your train screeches to a halt: A broken and twisted track appears in front of you. Brace yourself as your train unpredictably begins to race backward into the darkened mountain, furiously swooping up into a double-looping turn. Inside the windswept passage, the shadowy figure of a growling creature can be seen on a cavern wall. It is the Yeti—the legend is real.
Hurl 80 feet down the base of the cursed mountain and swoop in and out of murky caves and along jagged rocky ledges as you race to escape the dreaded monster before he catches up with you.

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