Disney Parks Host Mark Daniel picks between Festival of Fantasy & Fantasmic, discusses his career

2,017 Views · Posted 3 years ago
Interviewing the Magic sits down with unique current and former Disney Cast Members who have brought magic to the Walt Disney World Resort. Our first guest is Mark Daniel, a Disney Parks Warm-Up Host who has spent more than two decades working for the mouse. From opening Animal Kingdom over 20 years ago to bringing back Happily Ever After just a month ago, Mark has seen it all. Learn about his career, play a little Dis or Dat, and find out what Mark would ask Walt Disney if he had the chance. It's all in episode 1 of Interviewing the Magic.

00:00 Interviewing the Magic intro

00:48 Mark Daniel join the show, discusses Happily Ever After w/ Jordan Fisher

06:03 Favorite Disney moment of Mark's career

09:05 Dis or Dat - Mark picks between Festival of Fantasy and Fantasmic

17:39 One question Mark could ask Walt Disney

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