Walt Disney Animation Studios Animation Director, Eric Goldberg, who lent his talents to the creation of several hand-drawn animation moments in the show, visited Magic Kingdom Park to take in “Disney Enchantment” for the first time. Seeing the spectacular together only amplified the spirit of joy and optimism that comes from experiencing something you love with the people you love.
“Disney Enchantment” is just one of the exciting offerings you can experience as part of The World’s Most Magical Celebration, which began Oct. 1 and is going on for 18 months. Be sure to follow #DisneyWorld50 and visit the special Everything Walt Disney World 50th page for the latest stories and information.
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At Walt Disney World, you've got a whole fantastic world to celebrate in! With four spectacular theme parks and two water parks plus the most amazing shopping, dining and recreation magic imaginable, it's no wonder all of life's special moments are made even more enjoyable when you celebrate at Walt Disney World.
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