140 character Ultimate Tweet at Walt Disney World for Rock Your Disney Side Party

142,318 Views · Posted 11 years ago
Visit http://www.InsideTheMagic.net for more about the Rock Your Disney Side Party!

140 Disney characters gathered at Walt Disney World Resort today creating the Ultimate Tweet to announce the latest Disney Parks bicoastal, all-night extravaganza.

Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, Pluto and 135 of their friends came together to kick off the countdown to "Rock Your Disney Side: 24-Hours" this Memorial Day Weekend, when guests at Walt Disney World Resort in Florida and Disneyland Resort in California can enjoy select parks for 24 hours nonstop.

From 6 a.m., May 23 to 6 a.m. May 24, 2014 local time, guests are invited to show their "Disney Side" by dressing as their favorite Disney hero or villain.
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Inside The Magic


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