8 items with #youvegotafriendinme

Jenn @jennbehindthemagic and I have gotten some amazing t-shirts from some very creative people and we just wanted to take a moment and say thank you and we love ❤️ the shirts and everyone needs to go and check out all the amazing items that they all have to offer. 😊✨😊✨ • • • #disneytees #creative #disneylook #disneyshirts #epcot #backyardsecurity #mrtomorrow #youvegotafriendinme #barrelofmonkeys #squadgoals
Always enjoy seeing friends in the backyard at the start of the four park adventure.✨😊♥️ • • • #hollywoodstudios #wdw #wherethemagiclives #disneyfriends #disneyfriendsarethebest #frship18 #andysbackyard #meetup #guybehindthemagic #disneysecurity #protectingthemagic #sharethemagic #mydisneysmile #letthememoriesbegin #disneypic #ilovemyjob #unforgettablecast #mostmagicalplaceonearth #waltdisneyworld #mydisneyadventure #bestdayever #disneyig #instadisney #disneyfamily #disneyday #lifeofacastmember #slinkydogdash #alienswirlingsaucers #toystoryland #youvegotafriendinme
There is nothing better than win new toys come visit the backyard. I am always so honored to meet new friends each and every day at work and I can’t thank you enough for taking time out of your vacation to say hello to me.✨😊✨❣️ • • • #hollywoodstudios #wdw #wherethemagiclives #disneyfriends #disneyfriendsarethebest #frship18 #andysbackyard #meetup #guybehindthemagic #disneysecurity #protectingthemagic #sharethemagic #mydisneysmile #letthememoriesbegin #disneypic #ilovemyjob #unforgettablecast #mostmagicalplaceonearth #waltdisneyworld #mydisneyadventure #bestdayever #disneyig #instadisney #disneyfamily #disneyday #lifeofacastmember #slinkydogdash #alienswirlingsaucers #toystoryland #youvegotafriendinme
There are those times when you have to check in with the Sheriff and let him know all the toys in the backyard are safe and sound. ⭐️ 👍🏼✨ (Photo credit @disneydee81 ) • • • #hollywoodstudios #wdw #wherethemagiclives #disneyfriends #disneyfriendsarethebest #frship18 #andysbackyard #meetup #guybehindthemagic #disneysecurity #protectingthemagic #sharethemagic #mydisneysmile #letthememoriesbegin #disneypic #ilovemyjob #unforgettablecast #mostmagicalplaceonearth #waltdisneyworld #mydisneyadventure #bestdayever #disneyig #instadisney #disneyfamily #disneyday #lifeofacastmember #slinkydogdash #alienswirlingsaucers #toystoryland #youvegotafriendinme
So nice meeting Victor @disneyparks_galore as he and family and friends got to experience Toy Story Land. Hope you had a great time and I will see you again soon.✨😊 • • • #hollywoodstudios #wdw #wherethemagiclives #disneyfriends #disneyfriendsarethebest #frship18 #andysbackyard #meetup #guybehindthemagic #disneysecurity #protectingthemagic #sharethemagic #mydisneysmile #letthememoriesbegin #disneypic #ilovemyjob #unforgettablecast #mostmagicalplaceonearth #waltdisneyworld #mydisneyadventure #bestdayever #disneyig #instadisney #disneyfamily #disneyday #lifeofacastmember #slinkydogdash #alienswirlingsaucers #toystoryland #youvegotafriendinme
Being in Toy Story Land is about being a toy and making new friends, because you’ve got a friend in me. ✨😊✨ • • • #hollywoodstudios #wdw #wherethemagiclives #disneyfriends #disneyfriendsarethebest #frship18 #andysbackyard #meetup #guybehindthemagic #disneysecurity #protectingthemagic #sharethemagic #mydisneysmile #letthememoriesbegin #disneypic #ilovemyjob #unforgettablecast #mostmagicalplaceonearth #waltdisneyworld #mydisneyadventure #bestdayever #disneyig #instadisney #disneyfamily #disneyday #lifeofacastmember #slinkydogdash #alienswirlingsaucers #toystoryland #youvegotafriendinme
Dapper Dans perform "You've Got a Friend in Me" unplugged during Pixar Fest at Disneyland
Reality Changers perform at Disneyland Disney Side event with Woody and Jessie